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Office 365​


Microsoft's cloud based email solution without the costs of running your own on premise server

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Office 365

Email is a critical communications service that demands zero downtime. Microsoft has invested billions of dollars into their datacenter infrastructure for hosting corporate email and therefore is able to offer 99.9% uptime guarantees with financially backed Service Level Agreements (SLAs).


Moving your email accounts into the Office 365 can be more cost-effective than purchasing a dedicated exchange server. Our solutions are managed in-house. If a hosted exchange solution is right for your business we can advise you on setup and security options.


It's the Office you know, plus tools to help you work better together, so you can get more done - anytime, anywhere.

Centralized Data

Centralise your email, calendar, contacts and more in a single, secure location.

Mobile Synchronisation

Automatically push email, appointments, and notes to mobile devices.


All the benefits of a dedicated email server, at a fraction of the cost.

@ Beyond Networks 2021

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